Recommended Readings for the Therapeutic Alliance

Ackerman, SJ, & Hilsenroth, MJ. “A Review of Therapist Characteristics and Techniques Negatively Impacting the Therapeutic Alliance” Psychotherapy, 2001: 38: 171-185

Ackerman, SJ, & Hilsenroth, MJ. “A Review of Therapist Characteristics and Techniques Positively Impacting the Therapeutic Alliance” Clinical Psychology Review, 2003: 23: 1-33

Castonguay, L.G., Constantino, M.J., & Grosse Holtforth, M. “The Working Alliance: Where Are We and Where Should We Go?, Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 2006: 43: 271-279

Geller, S & Greenberg, L “Therapeutic Presence: A mindful approach to effective therapy”

Herzoug, A.G., Hoeglend, P., Havik, O., Von der Lippe, A., & Monson, J. “Therapist Characteristics Influencing the Quality of Alliance in Long-Term Psychotherapy” Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 2009: 16: 100-11

Hilsenroth, M.J. & Cromer, T.D. “Clinical Interventions Related to Alliance During the Initial Interview and Psychological Assessment”, 2007: 44: 205-218

Holmes, J. “Attachment Theory: A Biological Basis for Psychotherapy?”, British Journal of Psychiatry, 1993: 163: 430-438

Horvath, A.O. & Symonds, B.D. “Relation Between Working Alliance and Outcome in Psychotherapy: A Meta-Analysis” Journal of Counselling Psychology, 1991: 139-149

Katzman, J. & Coughlin, P. “The Role of Therapist Activity in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy”, Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 2013: 41: 75-90

McKay, K.M., Imel, Z.E., & Wampold, B.E. “Psychiatrist Effects in the Psychopharmacological Treatment of Depression”, 2006: 92: 287-290

Mintz, D. “Psychodynamic Psychopharmacology” Psychiatric Times, 2011: 28: 9

Newman, C.F. “Maintaining Professionalism in the Face of Emotional Abuse from Clients”, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 1997: 4: 1-29

Okiishi, J., Lambert, M.J., Nielsen, S.L., & Ogles, B.M. “Waiting for Supershrink: An Empirical Analysis of Therapist Effects” Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 2003: 10: 361-373

Porges, S. “The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological foundations for emotions, attachment, communication and self-regulation”

Safran J.D. & Muran, J.C. “Resolving Therapeutic Alliance Ruptures: Diversity and Integration” In Session: Psychotherapy in Practice, 2000: 233-243

Safran J.D,  Muran, J.C.& Eubanks-Carter, C.  “Repairing Alliance Ruptures” Psychotherapy, 2011: 48: 80-87


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