I will be running a mindfulness course for health clinicians in June 2018 (Wednesdays: 13/6, 20/6, 27/6 and 4/7 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm).
Generally people have two main questions when it comes to mindfulness:
1) What is it 2) How can it be helpful to me.
Mindfulness is a way of training the brain to become more present in the here and now. The brain has a tendency to become swept up in thoughts, feelings, ruminations and images from the past or the present. Combine that with a brain that has evolved a bias towards negativity (better to be safe than sorry) and you have the perfect recipe for a difficult existence. Most of our misery lies in thoughts about the past or the present and it is thus helpful to train the mind to be more grounded in the present moment. In other words, being in the present moment helps decrease anxious and depressive thoughts and feelings. In addition, learning to be more present helps us feel more alive and enjoy the good things in our lives.
Mindfulness can also help us connect better with our patients.
The mindfulness course will outline what we know so far about the brain and why it has evolved the way it has, as well as presenting a range of different mindfulness techniques that you can incorporate in your life.
If you have any further questions you’re welcome to call or email me