Therapy Notes

Therapy Notes are meant largely as an adjunct to therapy. I will write about common themes that arise in therapy or about things that I come across (often randomly) in my readings, discussions with colleagues or on the conferences or workshops I attend that I think may be helpful. If you read something that you want to discuss further with me bring it up at your next session, email me or call me. Therapy Notes are meant as food for thought – some entries will resonate with you and others wont. Take whatever you find useful.

You’ll see me say things like “according to research” or “recent studies suggest” a lot. That is partly due to my training (yes, psychology is largely rats, stats and research) but also to reassure you that I’m not making this stuff up :-) . I generally wont give you the actual reference of the studies (the constant referencing is what makes many psychology journals cumbersome to read) but if you’re really keen I can give it to you.  In addition, you’ll probably notice that I quote other people a lot. That’s mainly because I get excited when someone is able to articulate some truth about the human condition more eloquently than me (believe me, that’s not that hard).

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